alexandra costa
Alexandra Costa (2000), raised in Fundão (Portugal), began her musical studies in 2008 playing guitar and percussion at Liga dos Amigos de Alpedrinha’s Music School. In 2010, she entered Academia de Música e Dança do Fundão (AMDF) where she attended piano classes with Tâmara Antontseva and Dário Cunha. In 2018, she completed the 8th degree of Piano, Musical Formation and Choir, having also been a member of Chamber Choir under the guidance of Bruno Martins and Luís Rodrigues. With AMDF she participated in several editions of Festival de Música da Beira Interior.
In September 2018, Alexandra moved to Lisbon to study Psychology at Universidade de Lisboa (FPUL). In November 2018, she joined Coro de Câmara Outros Cantos directed by João Barros, with which she earned a silver medal at Festival Coros de Verão in 2019. During the summer 2019 she also participated, as a choir member, in “Queen Symphony” with Orquestra Nacional de Jovens (ONJ).