Joana Silva was born in Lisbon in 1998. She started her musical studies at the age of 5, at Escola de Música da Paróquia de Alfornelos in organ class with João Fernandes and Ana Raquel Rodrigues.
At the age of 14, she joined the Instituto Gregoriano de Lisboa (IGL) in the Basic Music Course. She studied organ with Sérgio Silva and António Esteireiro and she also attended the school choirs (Youth Choir and Chamber Choir). With these choirs she has been competing since 2015 at the Summer Coral Festival having earned first place in several years. With the Coro Juvenil do IGL in 2015 she participated at Certamen Internacional de Habanera y Polifonia in Torrevieja, Spain, where the choir won first place in the competition. With the same choir she also debuted several works by Nuno da Rocha (she recorded works such as “Assim do tempo em que me falavas”), Alfredo Teixeira, among other composers.
In 2018, Coro Juvenil do IGL competed at the World Choir Games in Tshwane, South Africa, winning a silver medal. Recently, in 2019, they participated in the European Choir Games in Gothenburg, Sweden. They became champions in Musica Sacra with Accompaniment category and they won gold medals in two categories, Grand Prix of Musica Sacra with Accompaniment and the Youth Choirs category.
She is currently studying vocal technique at Instituto Gregoriano de Lisboa and is a part of the school’s choirs.