RITA Galhardo Gomes
Rita Galhardo Gomes was born in 2002 in Lisbon, Portugal. She had the first interaction with music at the age of six in the Coro Infantil da Universidade de Lisboa (CIUL). After this experience, she began her musical studies at the Instituto Gregoriano de Lisboa in 2008. For ten years, she studied piano and lyrical singing, having also been an active member of the choirs Coro Juvenil do Instituto Gregoriano de Lisboa and Coro de Câmara do Instituto Gregoriano de Lisboa. With the Coro Juvenil, she won the first place at the Certamen Internacional de Habaneras y Polifonía de Torrevieja, won a silver medal at the World Choir Games in the 2018 edition in South Africa and a first place at the European Choir Games in the 2019 edition in Gothenburg, Sweden. Since 2015, the choir has won several gold medals in the anual Festival Coral de Verão.
With CIUL, she participated in several concerts such as the Gulbenkian’s Lord Of The Rings soundtrack having also gone on several international tours to major European cities such as Basel, Turin, Vesoul and Barcelona.
As a soloist, she won the second place at the Lyrical Singing Competition of IGL.
Besides Nova Era, she is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Management at Nova School of Business and Economics and remains studying lyrical singing under the guidance of Joana Nascimento.